Voorhees Craftsman Custom Limbert Inspired Morris Chair with cut-out design

Our own design with plenty of inspiration from Limbert's furniture & other designers from the period. The development of this chair grew from a request by a client for a version of our accurate replica Limbert's "Pagoda" table that she could use as a game table. She wanted a pair that could be placed together & serve as a dining table when needed. She requested a pair of Morris chairs for the same room so we designed this Morris chair which echoes the features of the accurate Pagoda table that we offer. We also build this chair with arched seat rails & no cut-outs. ...more photos to follow soon

Product ID: #3088

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Shown with the larger custom Limbert's inspired breakfast-game table. We designed two of these tables that could be placed together when needed as a dining table.  Please see "Pagoda dining table".

Shown with the larger custom Limbert's inspired breakfast-game table. We designed two of these tables that could be placed together when needed as a dining table. Please see "Pagoda dining table".